Revision of legalism blog

In an ancient civilization some kind of rule or order must be exemplified, to unsure the governing process is stable for the king or higher power to be in control. In Ancient China the practicing of legalism can be illustrated as one of most effective ways to administer the land and to promote power over the people. In my practice of legalism, there is only one ruler in charge and everyone must abide by him and the laws or face consequences of harsh punishment. Anything such as speaking against the emperor or disclaiming of your state or country will result in death. Everyone must demonstrate loyalty to the emperor, country and appointed magistrates, which would be the individuals I chose to help regulate the law of the land. In order to keep supremacy I would command that everyone not speak against my rules and to follow them punctually, without doubt of order. My main focuses would be the well-being of the state and its stature, honoring of the ruler and lastly the wellness of the civilization. Without any of those, the status of the civilization will be in havoc because the people would not know what to do and the problems of the nation will still continue to be unbalanced. This would be a great form of government because the people would respect the laws and adopt them out of fear from the consequences they would have to face.

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